house watchers

23 10 2011

Since spending a long time in India about 15 years ago I have been fascinated with geckos.  I love their ability to jiggle legs in a peculiar fashion and actually get somewhere by doing so!  Almost transparent bodies gliding across walls in a variety of shades and sizes remain captivating. 

Trip west Jul 11 472

Trip west Jul 11 470



Garden 013

While admiring these little dudes when we stayed at the hotel, one of the cleaners noticed my intrigue and chatted a bit with me.

The Lugisu name for gecko is ‘bulinda nzu’ – “which keeps the house”.  So besides being particularly cute, these creatures are also so helpful in keeping homes free of mosquitos and other bugs.  I wanted to celebrate geckos, so this one was for them. (they can be pretty darned difficult to photograph, but can make good pics, like this little one trapped in the kitchen sink one day.)


Thinking of being good for something, I came across this blog entry today and I think it ROCKS!  A mama got her two children involved in doing Random acts of kindness in their community for a full day.  Imagine if we did one kind thing once a week, when people least expect it?  Make the world a happy place, methinks.     RAK day

We really do not need to look far to find places to help out here.  Deon has a philosophy that those that often need things the most do not ask for it.  There are many many here who ask: a few times a week kids will ask for money: as I stop at our gate, in the sweet aisle at shops.  I resent these opportunists – sorry, but I do.  They would not ask local Ugandans (I think), and just because of different pigmentation it is assumed we long to throw money at darker skin. It seems like there are people who come on a visit and DO just randomly dish out candy/ money – and I think it sets a rough precedent for those who stay here: let your random acts of kindness be smart, please! 

But there ARE genuine needs all over.  Recently a girls orphanage moved into the house next door to us.  I was hesitant at first, knowing how people often expect money to be thrown their way, and our home has been our haven – I loved the stillness and peace of the place.  The girls have proved to be great.  From the day we first met they have wanted to bless ME and sing for ME, and they are not too noisy and boisterous (I think boys would be a lot rougher). 

This week we have sent over some of the bounty we have gathered this week: lots of avocados and tomatoes and some extra loaves of bread we have baked.  I am cautious in going forward (I am doing a lot already, and perhaps I am scared of losing my  heart totally to these girls!) They sang songs for me yesterday and introduced themselves: there are 15 girls, between the ages of 4 and 13.  They seem to be abandoned/ orphans – often children left at a home will be sent to some family over holidays.  These girls stay with the home all year through.

At times the need around is so overwhelming.  Pray that we would know the right places and the right ways to give, that we would have God’s eyes for what is the right thing to do.  Pray for these girls.  Girls in any African country are vulnerable – to be married off early, to be sold for the use of others as slaves or as wives (often there is no difference, here) , to be raped, to be unloved.  These girls are precious to the Father – how can I convey His love as a Father for them?

We are all really a bit like the little geckos.  We are all meant to help keep house for all in the kingdom.  Watch out for others, bring a bit of laughter and pleasure to others and make the world a better place for us all to live in.



2 responses

24 10 2011
Claudine Gueh

Your new neighbours sound great, and you’re right: they are precious. =)

24 10 2011

The girls look so happy in the pictures. I hope it always stays so for them.

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